The WVSCA Committees listed below consist of residents and WVS Officers/Board of Directors.  Please review and consider volunteering for the one you may have an interest. We need your fresh ideas, valuable experience, and precious time.

Activities: The members of the Activities Committee coordinates community activities/events by soliciting/accepting/suggesting activities/events, managing calendar to prevent conflicts, developing notifications to the community and soliciting volunteers to assist with events.
Contact: Kathie Koster (419-275-8629;

Audit: The Audit Committee is responsible for auditing the financial records of the WVS Civic Association at the end of the fiscal year and reporting on the outcome at the Spring Meeting. The committee consists of 2 residents and the treasurer and assistant treasurer.
Contact: Judy Ryzner

Beach Clean Up/Adopt A Road: Beach clean up responsibilities are to coordinate rental of disposal cans, applying for disposal waiver for annual clean up, and coordinating periodic beach clean up throughout the season.
Adopt a Road responsibilities are to organize a team to clean up Pond Neck Road and to manage disposal of trash when clean up is completed.
Contact: Jim Miliner (; 410-952-5736); Carolann Candy (717-666-8316;

Common Area and Equipment Maintenance: The members of this committee maintain or coordinate the maintenance of the common areas and equipment, including, but not limited to mowing, signage, roads, pier, community building, tractor, and lighting.
Contact: Dave Lee (215-870-3422)

Election Committee: This committee oversees all elections. It is comprised on two board members and two community members. The committee is responsible for identifying eligible voters, notifying the community of an election, soliciting candidates for office, managing the election process including tallying votes and related tasks.

Welcome/Sunshine: This committee welcomes new residents to our community and sends appropriate cards to residents who may be ill, celebrating a special event such as a significant birthday, anniversary, accomplishment, or should be sent condolences.
Contact: Carolann Candy (717-666-8316;

Again, if you are interested in volunteering, have a questions or suggestion concerning any one of the committees, please communicate with the contact(s) listed.